Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Tips For Finding the Right Child Care Facility

In this modern day and age where you can find both parents working, you can expect their children to be spending a major part of their time in childcare. The early years of a child are considered the formative years, where they will be learning as much as they can absorb and developing certain skills. So your preference of childcare program will be a critical one. It is very important that you take your time in making your decision and that you visit as many childcare providers to select the best one most suited for your child's needs.

When you visit a child day care facility or care provider's home for instance, take a good look around the place and carefully observe the caregiver with the children. Feel free to ask as many questions as you like. Especially your concerns about your child's safety here.

Examine if the caregiver is patient, warm and friendly. While a care provider may have such an impressive background and work experience, what is more important for parents is someone who is not there merely for the job but one who has passion for children and love that any parent would normally give to his or her child. The caregiver should also understand that your children will be developing skills during this crucial time and they must know what children basically need.

Go around the facility and see if it exudes a cheerful and happy environment. The facility or home should be clean and tidy with materials that are well organized and play toys or things that are within easy reach for children. Evaluate as well if it has all the necessary measures to guard your child's safety, as children can be very curious most of the time and they may get their hands on dangerous objects like glassware, plugs, electric outlets, etc. The care provider should be able to provide you with explanations and detailed answers as to their safety procedures and precautionary measures.

The facility should also provide a daily schedule of varying activities and a schedule for outdoor play as well.

Try to interview parents who send their children to this particular facility and get their feedbacks. Before making any decision, let you child visit the facility to get a feel of the caregiver and the other children.

Now that you have decided on the childcare services, it is time to help your child adjust to childcare. This can be a very big step and your little one may need some help in adjusting to the new experience.

Talking to your child would prove to be helpful. Explain to your child carefully the necessity for him or her to stay at the facility because mommy and daddy have to work. It is important to assure your child that you will pick him or her up at the end of the day.

To help your child adjust, take him or her for a short visit to the facility before the big day drop-off. Let your child see where he or she will be playing with other children, doing activities and games, etc. Tell your child all about what he or she will typically be doing at day care.

When you leave your child at day care don't sneak but instead it would help to do your usual daily goodbye routine that he or she has been used to. You can let your child bring along his or her favorite toy or stuffed animal. Familiarity will always make a child feel secure.

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