Nikolaz and I both had our first school trips today; Niko's first ever and my first as a parent. As the school are currently studying the Middle Ages, we visited the
Chateau de Suscinio .
What a difference it makes being a parent rather than the teacher! I had to step into a completely different role (whilst still keeping an eye on my original part...once a teacher, always a teacher).
Sure, these were French children, speaking French and on a school trip in France, but it was surprising (or perhaps not), just how similar the approach was. It was very reassuring.
I coped quite well and managed to keep all those under my responsibility in line. They must have understood my French.
It was also interesting observing my son on this trip. He stuck to me like glue and it was strange trying not to molly-coddle him. I used to hate it when parents on my school trips would stay with their own child and do little to help out the others. Niko's still at the the
I'll do it when I'm good and ready stage and made his old man cringe on several occasions. Nevertheless, I was very proud of his involvement in the group discussions and the clever answers he came up with.